Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Regrow Hair with Laser Hair Therapy

Normally, the typical human hair grows for 2–3 years before shedding. After it falls out, the hair follicle may enter a resting period before growing a new strand. Baldness or hair loss may result when the hair follicles stop producing new hair entirely. In such case, as the hair sheds, it is not replaced with a new growth, resulting to a decrease in the number of hairs or thinning hair or presence of bald spots.

Laser hair therapy stimulates the scalp with low-level lasers and purports to activate the hair follicles into growing hair. Laser hair therapy can stimulate the hair follicles from their resting stage more quickly. The process may cause recently thinning areas to grow new hairs.

For many years, leading salons and clinics around the world have been using safe cold-beam laser in treating thinning hair and hair loss. Laser technology slows down the progression of hair loss as it aids in nutrient absorption and waste elimination. The low level laser in laser hair therapy functions by improving the scalp circulation and stimulating the hair follicles to go back to their growth phase. Such non-invasive and safe hair loss treatment can be done in a hair clinic or salon or at the convenience of your own home by means of a laser comb.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Also known as LLLT, it is a type of phototherapy which utilizes soft or cold beam laser in treating thinning hair or hair loss. The underlying principle of this hair loss treatment option is similar to that of pain reduction and wound healing. LLLT stimulates the mitochondrion to increase the production of the energy carrier known as ATP, resulting to better nutrient and oxygen absorption that will revitalize the hair follicles to regrow hair.

Laser Combs

A laser comb is a hand-held electrical device that is based on low level laser therapy (LLLT) in improving the health of existing hair, stimulating hair regrowth, and resolving hair loss of men and women of all ages. It uses the scientific principle of photo-bio-stimulation, which is the natural process of light energy converted to cellular energy. As a result, the metabolic activity of the cells is improved significantly including greater nutrient and oxygen loads for blood cells and higher outputs of specific enzymes. Through the increased production of the basic food source for cells, ATP, the energy available to cells enabling them to efficiently absorb nutrients and eliminate waste products is also increased. This being the cutting edge of laser comb is a one-way ticket to having a thicker, fuller head of hair.

Laser Hooded Systems

What sets this laser hair therapy distinct from the other laser therapies is its intermittently flashing laser lights that operate at low energy levels. The low energy laser light that the scalp absorbs improves scalp circulation and promotes up to 70 percent hair regrowth in many cases.

With laser hooded systems, once the time and duration parameters are digitally set, all you have to do is sit under the laser and allow the laser to take effect on your scalp. For 15–30 minutes, your entire scalp evenly receives the therapeutic effects of the laser. Hair will be noticeably thicker after a few months of continued clinic visits.

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